Fallout 3 Max graphics with ini config mod
You can find the configuration file in the following folders:
• Windows Vista: C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Fallout3 • Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\Username\My Documents\My Games\Fallout3
Now how you do that:
Open the FALLOUT.ini with the Windows editor. The following lines are the interesting ones.• uGridsToLoad=5 (A higher value increases the visibility range and the distance of object visualization) • uNumDepthGrids=1 (Set value to 3 if uGridsToLoad is bigger than 9) • iMinGrassSize=80 (A lower value makes the grass denser) • fGrassFadeRange=6000.0 (Distance to which grass is displayed) • bForceFullLOD=0 (1 improves the LOD display) • iTreeClonesAllowed=1 (0 allows unique trees only) • iShadowMapResolution=256 (2048 for best graphics) • iShadowFilter=0 (2 for shadow edges) • iActorShadowExtMax=10 (A higher value increases the number of shadows in outside levels) • iActorShadowIntMax=10 (A higher value increases the number of shadows in inside levels) • bShadowsOnGrass=0 (1 for shadows on grass)
Fallout 3 Max graphics with ini config mod
Reviewed by Mhr

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