OMAP4440 processor from Texas Instruments details and specifications
Texas Instruments details information about the next smartphones targeted processor the OMAP4440 , the processor include two 1.5GHz ARM Cortex-A9 CPUs paired up with two ARM Cortex-M3 cores, in addition to a POWERVR SGX540 3D graphics engine , IVA 3 hardware accelerator and Image Signal Processor .
That specifications allow the processor to be 1.25x faster than the OMAP4430 in graphics performance, and increasing the web page speed to 30 percent and the 1080p video playback performance is increased to 2x , for more information you can Download the bulletin PDF , the new chip will be available as a sample in Q1 2011.
The OMAP4440 Vs OMAP4430 comparison table:
OMAP4430 | OMAP4440 | |
Process node | 45nm | 45nm |
ARM® Cortex™-A9 Clock Speed (two) | 1 GHz | 1.5 GHz |
2D & 3D Graphics | Hardware accelerated | Hardware accelerated |
Video performance (2D) | 1080p HD | 1080p HD |
Video Performance (3D) | 720p stereoscopic 3D | 1080p Stereoscopic 3D |
Imaging Performance (per second) | 20 MP main camera 5MP stereo (dual cameras) | 20MP main camera 12 MP stereo (dual cameras) |
Availability | Currently sampling | Samples in 1Q 2011 |
Chip Block Diagram :
OMAP4440 processor from Texas Instruments details and specifications
Reviewed by Mhr

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