AMD Fusion Llano Performance Vs Core i3-540 published first performance information of AMDs Fusion Llano processors compared with the Intel Core i3-540 , also Vs the Athlon II X2 250 and Pentium E6500 , They said that all performance figures came from official AMD documents:

According to news :
- Dual Core Llano with Winterpark integrated graphic is slower than not only Athlon II X2 250 but also Pentium E6500 in general performance. But It's dramatically (4.7x) faster than Intel platform in general conclusion which includes visual performance and compute capacity.
- Quad Core Llano with Beavercreek integrated graphic is slower than Athlon II X4 640 but faster than Core i3-540. And also Quad Core Llano provides graphics performance between Radeon HD 5500-5600 level with integrated graphic.
- AMD will launch Fusion Llano as A Series Vision Premium processors.
- AMD also working on special graphics technology for Lynx platform
AMD Fusion Llano Performance Vs Core i3-540
Reviewed by Mhr

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