HD 5700 series offically rebranded to HD 6750/HD 6770 , specifications
The Juniper based graphics HD 5700 series cards is now officially re-branded to the HD 6700 series and the rumors turns to be true .
The two cards , the Radeon HD 6750 and HD 6770 are now listed on AMD website .
The new series has the same specifications as the HD 5700 series with only different cooler shroud and HDMI 1.4a support , the Radeon HD 6770 will feature with 800 VLIW5 stream processors ,1 GB GDDR5 memory and a 128-bit wide memory interface based on the 40nm Juniper silicon chip , while the Radeon HD 6750 include 720 stream processors , the two cards has the same clocks speed as the HD 5700 series .
The new cards are for now available only for the OEM .
HD 5700 series offically rebranded to HD 6750/HD 6770 , specifications
Reviewed by Mhr

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