DirectX 11 not supported by Crysis 2 !
Maximum fail , this one is really achieved with Cryengine 3 , today news circulate across the web telling that Crysis 2 the famous all waited FPS game will only support DirectX 9 ! yes you read it right , if you have a new Directx 11 card prepare yourself to come back to the six year old DX9 , while an update will come out will include the DirectX 11 , this is what Nvidia promise us :

In practice this means that the graphics hungry gamers with the latest generation graphics cards can not take advantage of advanced features such as tesselering. According to Nvidia promises the developers to include a DX11 mode in a future update, when exactly is still unclear.Now waiting for official confirmation :(
DirectX 11 not supported by Crysis 2 !
Reviewed by Mhr

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