GTX 780 Vs GTX 580 Benchmark comparison spotted
Here is another benchmark snapshots leaked, this time it show us a comparison between the Nvidia next generation GTX 780 not GTX 680 that was done after the Nvidia jump from 600 to 700 (some marketing smells like what happen to 300 series) compared with the Nvidia GTX 580 .
The slides show eight games performance tests between GTX 580 and GTX 780, test bed included Core i7-3960X CPU,
Windows 7 64-bit OS,297 series graphics driver, 2560*1600 resolution,AA/AF enabled.
The results are interesting, the GTX 780 can perform up to 2.3 faster than the current GTX 580, take look at all tests :
GTX 780 Vs GTX 580 Benchmark comparison spotted
Reviewed by Mhr

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