Samsung ES8000 Super AMOLED TV, Series 9 Notebook and more at CES from Samusung

Samsung the giant everything-production company, introduced to the world at CES 2012 its new generation of TV panel, the Samsung ES8000 Super AMOLED TV, a 55" Super AMOOLED TV with an icredible image quality and a dualcore processor inside and can support 3D videos and smart camera and camcorder features that help you to upload and display your multimedia files on your samsung smartphone or camera into your Samsung ES8000 Super AMOLED TV.

Samsung also showed a series of new devices at CES, The WB850 Smart Camera, Wi-Fi Camcorder, Galaxy Note with 4G wirless, HD super AMOLED display, dual core processor and more. Galaxy Tab 7.7 also is there, the Series 9 Notebook with 0.5 inch thickness and wight just 2.5lb, Series 5 Ultra and Series 9 Monitor with an all in one connectivety between these devices wich help to share and easily complete any task, watch the video for more details :

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Samsung ES8000 Super AMOLED TV, Series 9 Notebook and more at CES from Samusung Samsung ES8000 Super AMOLED TV, Series 9 Notebook and more at CES from Samusung Reviewed by Mhr on 16:21 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. Anonymous03:20

    Samsung has an amazing series of new products this 2012. I am intrigued about the whole specification this AMOLED tv.
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