GT 640, GTX 650 and GTX 660 first specifications
The details about the medium line of the next generation 600 series "Kepler" 28nm based graphic cards from Nvidia are just appeared on the web, on the spot light are the GeForce GT 640, GeForce GTX 650 and GeForce GTX 660 video cards
The specifications of these cards are for the GK107 GPU which is aimed for the GT 640, GTX 650 and also the mobile version GT 660M, this pack 384 CUDA cores and will likely replace the previous GTX 550Ti the price will be on the 130$ - 150$ range.
For the Nvidia GTX 660, it will be based on the GK106 GPU and will come with 768 CUDA cores, 64 texture units and 24 ROPs and a 192-bits wide bus interconnected with to
2GB of GDDR5 video memory, performance is expected to be faster than the GTX 560Ti, the price will be around 300$.
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GT 640, GTX 650 and GTX 660 first specifications
Reviewed by Mhr

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