Prices comparison for SSDs in a continuous drop

Its been four years that the first SSD appeared on the market, and first was announced by Lenovo in February 2008 with the Lenovo ThinkPad X300 that use a 64 gigabyte SSD, with the addition of $200 US to add a flash-based SSDs.

Now SSD prices seems to goes down by the time, meanwhile the hard disk drives HDD are still the first choice on the market even after the last year's floods that struck manufacturing facilities in Thailand and, techreport recently release an article detailing the price fall per gigabyte, going down to 0.82 per gigabyte for the Crucial m6 256GB SSD.

Cost per Gigabyte for last seven days:

 OCZ Vertex 3 prices:

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Prices comparison for SSDs in a continuous drop Prices comparison for SSDs in a continuous drop Reviewed by Mhr on 11:46 Rating: 5

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