GTX 670 GV-N670OC from GIGABYTE detailed
This one comes with a total of 4GB video memory with twice the size of regular cards, featuring the huge WINDFORCE 3X three fans cooling solution which take three slots space and using Ultra Durable components which stay stable and longer under high performance uses, the GPU packs 1344 CUDA Cores and clocked @ 980 Mhz at base and 1058 MHz when in boost mode, using a 256-bit data bus and 6Ghz of GDDR5 clock, the GV-N670OC-4GD can do 3-way SLI and comes with two DVI ports HDMI and DisplayPort, the price tag for this graphic card is 440Euro.
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GTX 670 GV-N670OC from GIGABYTE detailed
Reviewed by Mhr

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