Virtual visit to Google data center server in North Carolina

One of the most powerful data center on the world is now unenvied for the folk's eyes, the giant Google showed off some pictures of one of the data centers around the world, this Data Center is located in Lynhaven Drive, Lenoir, NC, considered Google's oldest data center, the good news is you can go inside, Google also provide a virtual visit to the data center througth Google street view, amazing clean and powerful data center

Google has taken most of the wraps off its Lenoir, North Carolina data center, which has been in operation since 2008. This makes it one of Google’s older data centers, and according to Wired it will soon be obsolete and in need of refitting (which is probably why Google is showing us it).

Everything in red, blue, yellow and green

They destroy every hard drive to permanently every unneeded users data

Huge cooling system for the servers
 Google data center virtual visit:

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Virtual visit to Google data center server in North Carolina Virtual visit to Google data center server in North Carolina Reviewed by Mhr on 23:20 Rating: 5