Intel 525 Series Vs Crucial M4 Vs MyDigital SSD benchmark and comparison

One of the most advanced SSD solution now days on the market is the new Intel 525 SSD series, comes in variant of choices, from 30GB to 240GB of solid state, of course the performance differ from one to other, tweaktown guys managed to done a comparison review comparing all 525-SSD series in addition to the Crucial M4 mSATA 256GB, MyDigital SSD 256GB, lets see take a look at the result.

Intel 525 showcase:

click to see this in full resolution!

About Intel SSD technology used:
Intel® Solid-State Drives (Intel® SSDs) continue to evolve with the Intel® SSD 500 Family. Available in a wide range of capacities, the Intel® Solid-State Drive 525 Series offers great performance and low power consumption in a package one-eighth the size of a 2.5-inch hard drive.

Intel 525 series SSD specifications:

Read/Write (up to)
Random 4KB
Read/Write (up to)
Form Factor
30 GB SATA 6 Gb/s       500 MB/s / 275 MB/s 5,000 IOPS / 80,000 IOPS mSATA
60 GB SATA 6 Gb/s       550 MB/s / 475 MB/s 15,000 IOPS / 80,000 IOPS mSATA
90 GB SATA 6 Gb/s       550 MB/s / 475 MB/s 15,000 IOPS / 80,000 IOPS mSATA
120 GB SATA 6 Gb/s       550 MB/s / 500 MB/s 25,000 IOPS / 80,000 IOPS mSATA
180 GB SATA 6 Gb/s       550 MB/s / 520 MB/s 50,000 IOPS / 80,000 IOPS mSATA
240 GB SATA 6 Gb/s       550 MB/s / 520 MB/s 50,000 IOPS / 80,000 IOPS mSATA

You can read more about the Intel 525 series full specifications and features on this PDF.

Now lets take a look at some benchmark snapshots.

Benchmark snapshots
courtesy of tweaktown

CrystalDisk Mark benchmark comparison result:

PCMark Vantage disk benchmark result:

Battery test result:

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Intel 525 Series Vs Crucial M4 Vs MyDigital SSD benchmark and comparison Intel 525 Series Vs Crucial M4 Vs MyDigital SSD benchmark and comparison Reviewed by Mhr on 16:57 Rating: 5

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