Gran Turismo 6 ingame Pictures collection Playstation 3 (updated) awesome graphics quality !

Welcome to this new in-game pictures collection, this one is about one of the best racing video game ever known on video game history, it's Gran Turismo, few months the next release Gran Turismo 6 will be available on Playstation 3 console and not the PS4 as expected, a new racing simulation is coming with 1,200 cars and 33 tracks, the release date is set to November this year, a pre-order is already available.

This collection will be updated with latest ingame HD snapshots demonstrating the new graphics engine, stay tuned to this great games.

First check the first leaked video trailer of the game.

Check out these awesome pictures and share it with your friends !

New particles and physics capabilities on the new Graphics engine

More HD and Full-HD pictures coming soon!

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Gran Turismo 6 ingame Pictures collection Playstation 3 (updated) awesome graphics quality ! Gran Turismo 6 ingame Pictures collection Playstation 3 (updated) awesome graphics quality ! Reviewed by Mhr on 18:54 Rating: 5