How to install Android 4.3 for Galaxy S2 i9100G and i9100 "Tutorial"
Few months ago Google leaked the Android 4.3 OS with new features such as multi-users, new camera, Focal camera with 360deg shots and lot of bugs fixes and performance improvements.
So if you have a Galaxy S3 smartphone, go ahead and try this new mobile OS !
Note: this is a costume unofficial ROM which require a rooted smartphone and will void software waranty, so you have the choice to install it.
Steps to install Android 4.3 for Galaxy S2:
First thing first you need to root and install the CW recovery menu into the Galaxy S2:- Download this Kernel for i9100, and this one for i9100G file, now the Odin.
- Now go to download mode (poweroff, then press power+voldn+home and confirm) then using the Odin software install the Kernel into your Galaxy S2 (if you dont have Glaxy S2 driver search for it on Google)
Install Android 4.3 ROM:
- Download the 4.3 ROM: i9100 CM10.2 ("INFECTED" doesn't mean virus infection ;) ), i9100G
- Download Google App from here.
- Copy all these files into your Sdcard.
- Now reboot to recovery with power+volup+home, then chose install zip from sdcard and select the ROM, then select Gapp zip file.
That's it now your Galaxy S2 is on the latest Android 4.3, enjoy it !
If you have any problem let me know on the comment bellow.
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How to install Android 4.3 for Galaxy S2 i9100G and i9100 "Tutorial"
Reviewed by Mhr

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