Maxwell GM108, GM106 GM100 and GM104 specifications
The snapshot show four Maxwell GPUs, the GM100, GM104, GM106 and the GM108, with up to 6144Cuda cores and 8GB of GDDR5 memory using a 512bit wide bus that's for 8GPCs so 768 Cuda cores for each one, no TDP or performance detailled until now.

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Maxwell GM108, GM106 GM100 and GM104 specifications
Reviewed by Mhr

Really? A snapshot? You call a two week old post in a forum a reliable source? What is more, the post cites a pastebin source! The specs for GM104 and GM108 do not make much sense. GM108 is a low end chip that replaces GK108. WCCTech states that its engineering sample has 576 cores and a 64 bit memory bus.