16 Core CPU with 15th Family AMD's server CPU details
if you wonder what is the 15th Famili AMD CPUs:
AMD Family 15h processors introduce several new features that can significantly enhance software performance when compared to the previous AMD64 microprocessors. The following section provides a summary of these performance improvements. Throughout this discussion, it is assumed that readers are familiar with the software optimization guide for the previous AMD64 processors and the terminology used there.
Newer models of Family 15h processors offer five links for connections to I/O and other processors.
Of the five links, one link suports PCIe 3.0, two support coherent Hypertransport, and two are capable of either coherent Hypertransport or PCIe 3.0. These processors have 8 compute units (16 cores).
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16 Core CPU with 15th Family AMD's server CPU details
Reviewed by Mhr

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